
    Antos A, Hinzpeter M, Schindler L, Andel H-L, Kimberger O
    Energy saving potential in anaesthesia devices


    Manschein V, Hafner C, Krammel M, Hamp T, Willschke H, Hermann M
    Live-stream of prehospital point-of-care ultrasound during cardiopulmonary resuscitation – a feasibility trial


    Spraider P., Abram J., Wagner J., Gratl A., Lobenwein D., Putzer G., Martini J.
    Effects of zero versus negative end-expiratory pressure ventilation in a porcine hemorrhagic shock model


    Kraft F, Mandroiu L, Tretter V, Ullrich R, Krenn K
    Influence of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation on the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron system in critically ill patients with severe COVID-19


    Katharina Krenn, Felix Kraft, Luana Mandroiu, Mathias G. Vossen, Roman Ullrich
    Aldosterone/angiotensin II ratio predicts 60-day survival in patients with COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome


    Hammer S., Voit-Augustin H., Schöpfer A., Baumgartner A.
    Hirnblutung mit Contusio Cordis als Folge eines Reitunfalls


    Baumkirchner J.M., Trimmel H.
    Behandlung des präklinischen Kreislaufstillstandes durch die Flugrettung in Österreich: eine retrospektive, bundesweite Beobachtungsstudie


    M. Ammann, C. Hafner, M. Krammel, T. Hamp
    The role of prehospital emergency ultrasound to detect painless aortic dissection: a case report